An introduction to ConquerComputing

A very warm welcome to ConquerComputing, the online learning package that we believe is the best way for young children to start their journey into Computing and Coding. If you are a parent/guardian, a teacher or a home-educator who is a little anxious about your own computing skills, then you need not be at all concerned because ConquerComputing requires no prior knowledge whatsoever – it is designed for complete beginners.

ConquerComputing is aligned to the UK Primary National Curriculum and enables children, families and classes to explore and develop skills through a range of creative, colourful activities, including coding, Scratch, graphic design, internet safety, word processing, Logo, spreadsheets, binary and associated maths concepts. Perfect for young children, the language is simple and child-friendly. The whole package is very easy to use and enables teachers or parents to learn alongside the children.


ConquerComputing is organised in Stages of increasing challenge:

bulletpoint Stages: There are currently 5 Stages. For maximum flexibility these have not been specifically aligned to School Year-groups but could be introduced at any point during the Primary phase.
bulletpoint Projects: Every Stage is divided into Projects, each focusing on a different topic.
bulletpoint Lessons: Projects are broken down into Lessons which gradually explain the steps required to reach full understanding and a completed Project.
bulletpoint Assets: Each Lesson has a number of Assets. These include:

bulletpoint2 Video: A short teaching video, narrated in an appealing manner, with beautiful explanations to guide children step by step through the topic.
bulletpoint2 Worksheets: Colourful Worksheets support the concepts learned, providing practice to consolidate understanding and helping children to build up their own coding projects.

bulletpoint2 Play Activities: Around 1,500 online ‘Play’ activities will engage youngsters with instant feedback. These include drag-and-drop coding, word searches, card sorting, binary challenges, multiple choice questions, input/outputs to make words, creating their own Pizza or dressing Mrs Pineapple Head!

Supporting Features

bulletpoint2 Parent Guides: These are short, friendly summaries of each Project, ideal for Parents who want a simple overview of the contents and a list of the Lesson videos.
bulletpoint2 Teacher Lesson Plans: For teachers who prefer a bit more structure, these provide a suggested plan with full detail for the conduct of each Lesson. Home-educators and parents can also access these.
bulletpoint2 Captions: The CC button below each Video will switch on English subtitles for all of the narrations. This can be particularly useful for children or adults whose first language may not be English.
bulletpoint2 Downloads: Some of the Projects and Worksheets require additional assets, which are mostly Scratch files. These are always clearly indicated and can be downloaded by a simple button click.
bulletpoint2 Explainers: Where there are concepts needed that children may not have covered at school, you will find short ‘Explainers’ as a natural part of the teaching videos. These might be, for example, to explain what a Square is, how a Variable works, or the logic of an ‘if-then’ test.
bulletpoint2 The Animals: A team of friendly Animal characters feature in many of the videos and Worksheets. Children will quickly get to know Poppy Parrot, Muggins the Monkey, Dippy the Dot, Captain Tiger, Ally the Antdroid and others.
bulletpoint2 Inclusion: Throughout the learning we have tried to include girls and boys, with names and features representing different cultures. The language has been kept as clear and simple as possible to make the package accessible to children of all abilities.

A number of features are designed to support teachers and parents. For schools, these include the facility to create Classes, to add students to them and to edit or delete. Parents can also set up a number of sub-accounts for their children.

For effective monitoring of progress, simple Reports are available, by student or by class, with full detail of topic, date, time spent and scores. The Homepage dashboard will also display a brief summary of some of this information.

Also within the Admin section, parents and teachers can see an Overview of the structure with brief descriptions or Projects and Lessons, plus any related Attachments.

What’s in Conquer Computing?

Computers in our livesFiles and Folders; Tree structures
Algorithms, sequence, order and stepsWord Processors
Motion: distanceInputs, steps, outputs
Motion: turningNumeric and String variables
Online safetyTrue and False
Social media and Digital FootprintsGraphic design
Size and orderGraphical effects
Compass directions: N, S, E, WEditing images
Start and End pointsUsing layers
Simple journeys, turning relative to directionSimple Binary Search
Optimising and shortening routinesBinary representations
DebuggingBinary addition
Creating digital Letters and NumbersSpreadsheets
Search Engines

Coding in SCRATCH

A new projectBroadcasting and Receiving messages
Screen areasConditions using If-then-else
Sprites, Costumes, Blocks, BackdropsCreating and editing Lists
Saving and importingCreating buttons
Coding Events and LooksUsing Loops for repeated actions
ControlDrawing polygons and patterns
Changing costumes to simulate movementUsing colours
Action triggersCoordinates for motion
SoundUsing Variables for score
InputsA real Ping Pong game
Sizing objects; using percentageA moving, bouncing ball
Using random numbersSensing contact
Location and coordinatesOperators
Negative numbersVariables
Motion across the stage; bouncingInputs from keyboard keys
Displaying messagesNo-go areas

Coding in LOGO

The Turtle; the Commander areaMaking colourful patterns
Using coordinatesLines and thickness
Drawing polygonsColours and filling with colour
Circles and ellipsesCreating pictures
Using Repeat

Associated concepts

Rectangles and SquaresCoordinates, axes, negative numbers
Regular PolygonsBearings
PercentagesCircles and ellipses
Random numbersReflection

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